Pug = One Letter Away From a Pig!
Sigmund got his first smell of HAM! It was sitting on the table at Grandma Wilder's and Sigmund was going NUTS! He kept getting up on his hind legs trying to sneak a piece. It didn't help that Grandpa Wilder snuck him a huge slab, creating a MONSTER.
All day, all Sigmund wanted to do was find that ham. I kept locking him up in the house, people kept letting him out, and he kept running right to the table where the ham was sitting. I caught him once with the corner of the tin foil in his mouth getting ready to take off with the whole thing!!!!!
So we hid it inside the house... and guess where he kept sneaking. Everytime the door opened, he was in there! He even tried to crawl UNDER the house to get to it! Little PUGLET!!!
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